Drones, those little flying robots that keep coming up in the news, discussion, politics, and the like, are really useful for photography, whether still or moving. That’s why they see so much use in the film industry and science.

They’re also growing more popular for consumer use, especially as they prices start to go down. Good drones are still pretty expensive, but they can take some pretty amazing photos that, frankly, are really hard for a human to get.

That’s why some people—presumably not just professional photographers—are taking them on their travels. There’s at least one contest for drone photography, and it stands to reason that others will follow.

As the idea catches on that drones are excellent travel companions, you can likely expect to see more models geared exactly to that: smaller, cheaper models you can take with you.

But before you go out and buy one, consider the fact that not everybody likes drones. And if you’re going to take one on vacation with you, make sure you do some research on the legality of flying them in the place you’re visiting. In some parts of the world, and even in the U.S., you might need a special permit to fly a drone.

Drones are still pretty new on the commercial market, so their use in certain areas and for certain tasks is still up in the air (no pun intended). Not everyone appreciates little robots taking their pictures, either, and a quick search online will find you any number of news articles about legal issues involving violations of privacy and trespassing.

It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a vacation and do things you might not do when you’re at home, but it’s important to do some research before flying a drone at your destination. You want to make sure that you know enough about local laws to avoid getting in trouble while you’re there. With products as new and untested as drones, you’re going to want to make extra sure.